How house hold ingredients changed my skin care routine

In the past couple years I have been experimenting like a mad scientist with all different ingredients, most of which I'm sure you already have in your pantry!
I'm going to start off my blogging journey with this simple facial exfoliating scrub. Ditch your $60 jar of a zillion chemicals and give this a try!
(I use this particular scrub 2x a week, also great for before you do any kind of self tanning!)
* exfoliating is KEY for healthy glowing skin!
- 2 Tbsp ground coffee
Excellent for inflammation, improved circulation, smooths skin and helps fight under eye puffiness.
- 1 Tbsp organic honey
Honey is natures antibacterial, also helps soothe skin and slow down aging (yes, please!)
*I've been adding in a drop of tea tree oil to pump up the antibacterial strength since y'all know I've been battling these pesky adult break outs!
- Some type of carrier oil, can be coconut oil/ olive oil/ jojoba oil/ rosehip oil. I personally am obsessed with 100% cold pressed certified organic Rosehip oil and use the brand Radha. The use of ROSEHIP is an entire post all on its own- must have in my house!
Anddddd thats it! I play around with ingredients depending upon my current needs. One last tip I'm going to leave you with is a night time scar lightening paste to apply to those awesome scars break outs leave behind! Be consistent, daily for 2 weeks and you will without doubt see results!
(I have soooo many ideas, I've used this on my face and has worked wonders- want to try it on my gnarly C- section scar so stay tuned for some awesome before/afters!)
(Mix this up, soak on cotton ball and apply to affected areas)
- Tbsp lemon juice (natures skin lightener + brightener)
- Tbsp baking soda
(optional additives)
- Tbsp organic honey
- 1/2 tsp of cinnamon (never apply to broken skin, active breakout!)
Thanks for reading and I hope you give some of these a try! Happy DIYing!